#203: Have Donny Bring Us Some Bread

I whine for an hour and ten minutes about my computer dying on the operating table, visiting old friends over the internets and trying to go out to dinner.

Premium Version: An hour, ten
Free Version: About 26 min.

8 thoughts on “#203: Have Donny Bring Us Some Bread

  1. The word you were looking for is “whiner.”

    This exact experience has happened to every single one of us.

    The bread thing reminds me of that scene in Garden State when Zach Braff is a waiter in some asian restaurant + the snippy Trixie give him shit about them not serving bread. Just so you know, dan, i’m with you.

  2. PC Power supply $30-50 + 5 minutes
    Add a hard drive $50.00-$60.00 another few minutes
    The problem is, I think to be ABLE to live in California, you must own a Mac.
    I think if you use a PC, your papers for California residency are revoked.


  3. That Power Mac tower from 2006 was no clunker – a powerful piece of equipment even now. Same for your the H Mans G4. Not sure how much RAM you are packing in the G5, the lack of often causing beach ball issues – I think the G5 can handle 8GB of RAM and this can cure a lot of issues. Not blowing up though!

    I have actually just bought a new iMac 21 inch, which is loaded with 4 GB of RAM and can take 16, as a replacement for the 17 inch intel iMac, now destined for the kids. For aesthetic reasons alone, and space saving, the iMac route might work best for you and it seems you get a lot more bang for your buck in spec terms compared to a Macbook pro. Good luck with the G5!

  4. Hey Dan.
    It occured to me, that at least you and your wife got plenty of meterial to talk about at that evening in the restaurant. After you said “we see each other every day. and everything has been talked about” or such. You should thank the stupid restaurant for giving you some toppics to discuss xD (kidding ^^)
    I suppose you never were in Italy, where they will charge you even for the plates on your table?

    greetings, Martin from Germany

  5. Hey Dan.
    It occured to me, that at least you and your wife got plenty of meterial to talk about at that evening in the restaurant. After you said “we see each other every day. and everything has been talked about” or such. You should thank the stupid restaurant for giving you some toppics to discuss xD (kidding ^^)
    I suppose you never were in Italy, where they will charge you even for the plates on your table?

    greetings, Martin from Germany

    ps. sorry if there is a double-post. the website somehow confused me

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