#212: Are You Stalking Me, Voice Over Loser?


This episode is a strange hodge-podge of meaningless anetdotes.  So, what else is new?

After 15 years or more of procrastinating, I’m trying (again) to get a voice over reel together.  We’ll see if I survive working with Melissa to record some voice overs for a presentation she’s working on.  I’m reminded, yet again, of Orson Welles.  “If you can start a sentence with the word ‘in’ and emphasize it, I’ll…” Oh, you know the rest…

I saw a couple I am on “hi” basis with saying goodbye to each other the other morning.  Their version of “see you later, honey” is she stomps to her car and gets in and he kicks the door in.  Great.  I almost had to hit him over the head with a box of tampons.

There was a girl selling lemonade in our neighborhood.  Well, a 25 year-old woman, actually.  Selling lemonade by the martini glass, while wearing a bikini.

And, lastly…I think I stalked a girl for a mile while trying to go pick up my car.  I wasn’t starking her, by the way.  I didn’t know anything about her.  But, her butt said “PINK.”

Premium edition: One hour, four minutes
Free edition: 24 min.

8 thoughts on “#212: Are You Stalking Me, Voice Over Loser?

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