#213: Bitterestville

brian_ibbott_sketch010I am joined in Studio G by very special guests Brian Ibbott and Tina Ibbott from the legendary Coverville podcast.  Brian’s podcast was one of the first I ever listened to and was certainly one of the handful that convinced me that I needed to start this show.

Now, I’ll forewarn you now, we spend much of the hour and fifteen minutes we talked geeking out on music (big shock there).  Brian and I have very similar taste in music, and I don’t get much time with adults, let alone adults that know more about the music I love than I do.  So, I will apologize now for this not exactly being a prototypical Bitterest Pill show.  Deal.

We do, however, talk about car breakdowns, child molestation, Federal Air Marshals and peeing in public.

Premium Edition: One hour, eighteen minutes
Free Edition: Twenty-seven minutes

2 thoughts on “#213: Bitterestville

  1. Great stuff – my 3 favourite people in podcasting all together. I’ll never be able to think of Tina now without that image of her popping into my head…though I have been forced to do the same while broken down when the other option – peeing into a small bottle in the car, was considered to be both impractical and liable to result in even more catastrophic embarrassment 🙂 !!

    Nice of Brian to draw Dilbert too…

  2. Yes. If you stay on the Hollywood Freeway north, you suddenly change from the 101 to the 170. If you stay on the 101, you must exit the freeway and take an off ramp. You have now changed from the Hollywood Freeway to the Ventura Freeway, and you are on the 101 North heading west.

    If you are on the Ventura Freeway headed east, and want to go to Glendale instead of Hollywood, you have now switched from the 101 to the 134, without using any ramps.

    If you are on the 170 freeway heading south, and want to transition to the 101 North headed West, you cant. No seriously, you can’t. You must exit the freeway and take several surface streets to make your way over to the 101 North headed west, because the interchange is not full.

    If you want to take the 101 past downtown, you can’t. The 101 ends, but the freeway doesn’t. It just changes numbers. There’s a Ronald Reagan Freeway, but no Richard Nixon Freeway. But there used to be. It was renamed the Marina Freeway. It’s the 90. It was orginally going to be the Slauson Freeway and replace Slauson Blvd., but it was never built.

    I could go on like this for some time, but I won’t.

    Try cahighways.org.

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