I have to fast starting Saturday/Sunday at midnight. Fast until Monday at about 10am. Now, this may sound tough enough, but factor in the fact that I usually eat about every 20 minutes or so. It’ll be an interesting test of my will power and my blood sugar levels. I have advised the family to hide the cutlery and keep their arms and legs at a reasonable distance at all times.
The ads I recently recorded are on the air. But will they be on the air for long? Maybe not…
I walk my dog almost everyday and even though I feel like I’m being a good pet owner, I seem to be upsetting the neighbors. Note to self: It is actually NOT my responsibility to keep other people’s dogs quiet. They are dogs. When they see my dog, they say hello to each other. Get over it.
PREMIUM VERSION: Just under an hour.
RZ left this comment a couple days ago, but it didn’t survive the switch to new servers. SORRY RZ!
I have come to appreciate podcasts so much for when I have to walk the dog, clean the house, go to the &%*$ grocery store for the one millionth time, etc. I seriously think that listening to my iPod helps me keep a lid on this can of crazy I call my head.
Other dog owners in general get on my nerves. Just this week I have found two “lost” dogs aka dogs who have gotten out of my neighbors’ yards, have no id tags and I have to track down the owner. One neighbor did not believe her dog was out of the yard. I was like fine – I will call the shelter. She came, looked and sure enough – HER DOG When you have to count your dogs you have too many dogs – I’m sorry.
That bites about the ads. I would say I would boycott the company but who am I kidding? It is not like I was going to go buy a shiny vehicle, put a ribbon on it and present it to my husband Christmas morning. We just bought a new hot water heater – MERRY &^% CHRISTMAS.
It’s awfully prejudiced I know, but you really can’t trust the Germans…
Your dog is pretty weird by the way. Not looks, which you know anyway, but poop habits. Based on a few dogs I have looked after over the years, I’d say more than 1 poop per walk is odd – I’d get him checked out. A dogs natural instinct and biology will be to make sure he gets it all over with straight away. I’m not an expert of poop, but our 42 kilo labrador (puppy, yes, really) is. Man, we don’t feed him that much but sometimes it is a “double bagger”!!
It is possible to get bags that are a lot thicker and longer too. If you find some, buy a LOT!!