#309: We’re Losing Contact

I was thinking I wanted to take the kids to Universal Studios this Spring Break. It never happened.  I did, however, take a trip down memory lane and reminiced about Jaws Lake and the foam rock avalanche and The Six-Million Dollar Man’s spinning Sasquatsh tunnel.

Recently my wife lost all the contacts on her iPhone.  It was right after I removed an old email account from the phone so her co-workers and I would actually get her texts.  Of course, upon removing said account, or shortly thereafter, all of her contacts disappeard.  And, so did mine.  So, did my deleting the email account on the iPhone erase all her contacts, or was it some weird iPhone glitch that we both suffered from at about the same time?  Well, as you know, I’m married, so it was definetely all my fault…



3 thoughts on “#309: We’re Losing Contact

  1. Hey Dan, as you were describing the disappearance of Melissa’s contacts the reaction both of us had immediately was “loss of data is ALWAYS the fault of the user who fails to back it up” and the second thought was that deleting of an email account could not cause a subset of the contacts to disappear. We will both happily testify at your trial!

    We did have to laugh at your comment about Manhattanites wanting to buy the apartment next door and then read down the walls 🙂

  2. Also, we really, really would love for you to make a video of Melissa teaching Tallu how to do a Joan Rivers accent, it would be hilarious!

  3. Oh, one more piece of info:
    WONT (not “want” and not “won’t”)
    Adjective – (of a person) In the habit of doing something; accustomed.
    Noun – One’s customary behavior in a particular situation: “Constance, as was her wont, left early”.
    Verb – Make or be or become accustomed.

    adjective: accustomed – wonted – habitual – usual – used – used to
    noun: habit – custom – practice – habitude – way – use – usage
    verb: accustom

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