5 thoughts on “#365: Tag, You’re It

    1. Dr. Rob! How are you!? Okay, so…

      1) I’ll look into the 5/2. I’ve developed my own IF plan, where you only fast while you’re sleeping. It’s not effective…

      2) I did not know Gary Shandling, but have been a fan since “It’s Gary Shandling’s Show.” My wife ran into him in Hawaii ages ago. I haven’t seen the doc yet but heard it’s great.

      3) Cringe away! That’s what I’m here for. 😉

      – dK

      1. So, there is a doc on him coming up on HBO called “The Zen Diaries of Gary Shandling” by Judd Apatow, but the link I referenced is a one-on-one interview (2 hours) only a couple of years before his death. There is also an episode of “Comedians in cars getting coffee” with himself and Seinfeld which is aparrently quite good.

      2. DAN.

        I’m halfway through part one, probably will have to stay up much too late tonight.


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