#45: Death Becomes Us

A night time podcast about death and death. Well, death, death, Lauren Sanchez, London bombings and Freddy Soto. I know, I know, I’m feeling a bit odd these days, and I need to talk. I hope this one isn’t a downer.

Thank you for supporting independant podcasts. And thank you to all who nominated the Pill for a Podcast Award.

This edition’s musical guest was Saintface with “That Word Is Love” from the upcoming album “Apartment Stories.”

10 thoughts on “#45: Death Becomes Us

  1. Ah, its good to finally have a new Bitterest Pill episode out, I have been waiting a while for a new episode.

    Hope that you can get back into regular releases soon.

  2. Don’t worry too much about the supposed G-rating related comments floating around. There’s a difference between something rated ‘for children’ and doing a show that a child could hear and not repeat later on to the horror of his or her parents.

    Don’t believe me? Ask any adolescent what the title “The Bitterest Pill” means to them.

    Your content is great; I love your show exactly as it is. Feel free to change at will, but know that I, for one, am perfectly satisfied with the show.

  3. Been waiting for The Bitterest Pille to sweeten the day again:)
    G-rated? You know, as a European and especially as a rude one from Northern Norway where we are known to swear more than even the Irish and where swearing is more like a linguistic art, I am not very concerned whether anything is G-rated or not. Maybe also the opposite is an American obsession? Oh, me feking Gawd! Can we swear!? Then, by golly, I shall certainly swear, indeed!
    I mean, seriously, why the obsession? And that goes for other content as well. As one who have lived out sex, drugs and rock’n’roll to such an extent as you can and still survive, that side to life is just as boring as any other routine – which I am sure I do not need to tell you about:)
    I second the former commentator, paolo; I am absolutely, one hundred per cent perfectly satisfied with the show!
    I only listen to three podcasts and I am seriously thinking about cutting it down to two – until some Norwegian will get around to make a cast worth listening to – and The Pill will always be one of those I listen to, if it be the only one.

  4. Dan, echoing what others have said, I think the show is great the way it is. “Adult” language doesn’t bother me and I don’t play the show for my kids (although maybe I should…), but I appreciate your ability to tell these great, funny stories while keeping it clean.

  5. “Don’t believe me? Ask any adolescent what the title “The Bitterest Pill” means to them.”

    Suddenly, this statement holds all new meaning. But who knew it would relate to a New York Times journalist.

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