Correction or Blame Placement?

Corrections: A Critic’s Notebook article in Weekend yesterday about podcasts referred incorrectly to Dan Klass, creator of “The Bitterest Pill.” While he has indeed called himself an addict, he said that the description was intended as a humorous reference likening himself to fans of his podcast who call themselves addicts, and that he is not really an addict.

Is it just me, or do they make it seem like it’s my fault that they printed that I’m an addict and that my show is about addiction? Did Jayson Blair teach them nothing?

Here are some of my new favorite comics

9 thoughts on “Correction or Blame Placement?

  1. My guess would be that since you live in California that you must be an addict – and the fact that you admit it – well…. you are kinda asking for it!!

    Nice of them to make a correction 🙂

    I am an addict to your show and proud of it!

  2. Okay, I am now on the bandwagon: the mainstream press are clueless losers who don’t do their jobs properly.

    Yes, cheerleading for Bush’s headlong rush into Iraq didn’t convince me they were irredeemable louts. I still had some glimmer of hope for them at that point.

    But commit the sin of not getting the humor of one of my friends? Or in fact, completely mischaracterizing it, then blaming the victim of their idiocy? Them’s fightin’ words, NYT.

    P.S.: Podcasts ARE much better on an Ipod. It’s true.

  3. Maybe pass this along to Harry Shearer. He does a weekly bit on corrections in the Los Angeles Times. Maybe he should add the NYT to the list.

  4. You’re right, Dan, this is blame placement, and inaccurate at that. Several things in the article irritated me, but that statement about you really jumped out. I haven’t listened to all of your shows, but clearly I’ve heard a few more than this particular journalist.

    By the way, the whole mess did inspire a great show!

  5. Lighten up, gasbag. Maybe they called you an addict so readers would think you are remotely humorous. Geez.

  6. Why am I starting to think that Anonymous doesn’t like me? Every time they post, it’s something negative.

    If you think I’m so humorless, why the hell are you listening? Spare me your hit-and-run commentary. If you have something real to say, by all means say it, but look me in the eye. I would do the same for you.

  7. You used “gasbag” twice now. Anyone worthy of listening to my show would have come up with something better than just repeating themselves.

    Nobody’s forcing you to listen. Go search for a podcast where the host(s) are NOT full of themselves and let me know how it goes.

    “Crybaby?” You would have let the New York Times thing go, unmentioned? Spare me. I talk about my life in the show, and that’s what was on my mind. Forgive me for speaking frankly about what’s going on. Listen, I can’t take “lighten up” advice from someone who won’t even identify himself. I’m out in the world, taking risks and being recognized and you are chucking spit wads from behind a bush. There is nothing you can teach me from there.

    If you’re going to continue to try to trash me, could you at least do it on my voice mail? (206) 309-PILL Maybe you could make the show interesting…

    I beg you, please, PLEASE never listen to my show again.

    Seriously. Please, never.

  8. Dan what are you talking about, I dealed you some coke last night, I mean that brownstone was some good stuff was it not. If you don’t want me to keep selling shit to you, then don’t go public with it.

    ha ha

    Dude you are a failed actor, and maybe the most boring person to come to podcasting besides dawn and drew. Some speed or coke wouldn”t hurt you, you might sound like you don’t have a stick up your ass. Please listen to this podcast all about you

    And hour of Dan Klass bashing 🙂


    W Axl Rose

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