#305: Blunt Force Trauma

I’m pretty sure at my age I should be listening to something other than Adam Ant.  Maybe some Mumford & Sons or Bon Iver if I want to maintain some sort of urban guy cred.  But, no, I listen to Adam Ant.  Adam Ant and my son’s music.  Did you know that young people like to shop in thrift shops?  I remember that…

I like to watch 30 Rock, but my wife doesn’t, because my wife doesn’t need to see Tina Fey’s boobs.

I am lonley, and my listener/shrink seems to have disappeared.  So, I am left asking myself “How does that make me feel.” And, you know how that makes me feel?  Lonely.  Who is my one true friend?  Netflix.  Netflix and Floris.  And you.  Thanks.


5 thoughts on “#305: Blunt Force Trauma

  1. First of all I am so glad your health scare turned out positive.

    As for being alone – I think we have a lot of the same dynamic going on. My husband’s job requires a lot of him so he is gone a lot. My kids are both older – one in first year of college but technically lives here and one high schooler. I listen to podcasts so I don’t have to listen to myself in my head all day long – cause I just won’t shut up. There is NEVER enough podcast time to suit me because there aren’t that many I like. That means I repeat some over and over. Sad I know. Even when people are in the house there is homework to do, friends to see, tv to watch so I am pretty much alone doing my “mom” stuff. It has gotten to the point that in my spare time I read my Kindle, play word search on my phone and listen to podcasts. I don’t really love tv – except Anthony Edwards in Guys With Kids makes me laugh out loud dealing with 4 boys as a stay at home dad. The long and short of this is – I get it Dan. 🙂

  2. I haven’t disappeared… I’m on fb sabbatical. And I’m very grateful for the February BP episodes. I know we were sort of on a break, but I still felt like I was cheating on BP with my rebound podcasts.

  3. PS- Can’t get with Bon Iver, I find it to… weird. It was like living in Silverlake and everyone was listening to The Scissor Sisters and wearing trucker hats, I did not get it at all. Bleah. Obviously not young or cool enough to understand today’s hipsters or their music, so here I am embracing my middle age and my Replacements and Missing Persons albums.

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