#306: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

In an effort to avoid having me hang our laundry all over the house, my wife bought us a drying rack.  In an effort to take a break from doing laundry, I agreed to take a photograph.  But, you don’t ever really take just one photograph, do you?  You take hundreds.  Then you get phone calls and e-mail and the next thing you know you’re an unpaid photographer-slash-tech support worker-slash-retoucher-slash-therapist.  Fantastic.

Let me know if you’d be interested in being on the The Bitterest Pill e-mail list.  I’m working on it now.

4 thoughts on “#306: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

  1. Really miisd you and the show Dan. I am back after some issues I could do a podcast about!! That neighbour of yours…what a cheek! I would personally change the settings in iMovie to get it to do nothing with discs when they are loaded and then I think a disc would load up when loaded.

    On the drying rack issue, don’t understand the status issue with drying outside (strangely, Americans won’t use the sun they get for free for solar power either), but understanding your oil related conundrum. But you know what Dan, why don’t you move now that neither your wife nor you needs to be in that part of town for work?

    Take care

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