MY CITY, MY LOS ANGELES arrives April 2nd

My City, My Los Angeles: Famous People Share Their Favorite Places by Jeryl Brunner will hit bookshelves (both digital and otherwise) on April 2nd.  I’ve read her earlier New York City version, and it was full of very intersting places and hideaways from a wild variety of reknowned New Yorkers.  Apparently, when it came time to put the Los Angeles version together, Jeryl was having trouble tracking down famous people (you know how scarce celebrities are here in LA).  Luckily, I was available to step in and fill a couple of pages until she puts the second edition together…

Seriously, it’s about time someone was bright enough to recognize that I am a very famous person!  There are tens, perhaps dozens of people all over the world who would swear to you they’ve heard of me! It’s about damned time someone asked me something you’d ask a famous person, like where I buy my cool Hollywood clothes (Target) or where I like to go for fine dining (anyplace with the word burgers in the name).

Very excited for the book to come out.  I think you’ll enjoy it too.  And, yes, I am featured in there twice, I’m just that famous.

Available at and Barnes & Noble.  And, other places, I’m sure…

3 thoughts on “MY CITY, MY LOS ANGELES arrives April 2nd

  1. Classic case of Norovirus!
    Trust you have recovered fully.
    Unfortunately the “Unprocessed Foods” is likely not responsible. Incubation period is 24 to 48 hours so your exposure to the virus occurred a day or two before and explosively manifested with whatever was in the pipeline at onset!

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