#67: Coffee Killed the Cat

Is it illegal to kill someone’s cat? What if you hate it?

Today I complain about painting the house, painting the house and painting the house. Also, figuring out where to put the coffee pot, the Starbucks Security Blanket and how we fight. Coffee, coffee, coffee.

Porto Rico Import Co. for great coffee, cheap.

Musical Guest: Gerty .

The Lance Anderson Podcast Experiment

8 thoughts on “#67: Coffee Killed the Cat

  1. You. Are. Such. A. Piece. Of. Work.

    um … I’ve never heard it, but I must confess I’ve said it. I don’t have coffee to blame, because like you I don’t do caffeine. Maybe it’s another one of those female/wifey-type things? All I can say is thank g*d male/husbandy-types have those other hormones that makes their feelings immune to this particular kind of ammunition.


    ~ honeybee33 ~

  2. Thank you Catalyst. I am not alone.

    Dan, please see my essay, “Growing Pains” your show #67 inspired at my blog.

    I feel a little let down. I hope you’ll return to your old form soon.


    madame philosophe

  3. Man… the burlap walls are definitely killin’ ya. That and hot ladies in jeans. Oh well, I do hope the painting gets cleared up so that you can get back into that folding room/recording space.

    I can totally commiserate with your wife and her caffeine need. There was a study done by Johns Hopkins (JH) in the 90’s that’s been reviewed and republished, in the case I googled by JH’s Bayview Medical Center about caffeine it was redone in 2003 (http://www.caffeinedependence.org/caffeine_dependence.html). One of my favourite aspects of the study referred to the addictive properties of caffeine:


    Although caffeine does not produce with life-threatening health risks commonly associated with the use of classic drugs of addiction such as cocaine, heroin and nicotine, some caffeine users report becoming “addicted” to caffeine in the sense that they report an inability to quit or to cut down their caffeine use, they continue to use caffeine despite having medical or psychological problems made worse by caffeine. and they continue to use caffeine to avoid experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms.


    So, that’s what the coffee thing is all about.

    I do have to admit that when you started talking about professional colour coordinators, I did tune out a little bit… part of my lower middle class, “Is there that much money in the world?” response. Don’t take it as criticism, as I found myself giggling as you shared the troubles you had with the colouring… I’ll admit that I found a bit of mirth in your pain, so thanks for sharing.

    Keep ’em coming.

  4. Dan,

    Don’t kill the cat. Your neighbor will just get another one.

    Instead, train this cat to stay away. Buy a Super Soaker, or keep your garden hose at the ready, and when the cat shows up, wet her down. This will work. Cats hate to get wet.

    I’ve had cats of my own, and to train them to stay off the kitchen counters, my spousal unit and I kept a squirt gun handy. They learned.

    Oh and don’t think that only in LA are there rude pet owners. They can be found nationwide. My personal loathing is reserved for those who let their stupid dogs bark all night. How do they sleep through it?

  5. i can’t belive you name checked porto rico coffee in nyc! that is my place: the best coffee i’ve ever had and one buck for a cup to go. it is the ONLY place to pick up a bag for home. which reminds me i have to pick up a pound…

    love the show. the insults you keep to yourself are hilarious! you should let loose on the idiots once in a while, i bet you’d have even more interesting stories to share.

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