#70: Evil Terror in the Studio!

I have such supportive listeners. THANKS! And, on iTunes no less.

Do me a favor and drop me now, before you listen to another show…

Famed podcaster, author, herbalist Evo Terra joins me in the studio. We talk about Podiobooks, doing gymnastics past 40, chunky beers, “this one herb” kung fu fighting tactics, Pro Disc Golf and that Ben “Affect” movies suck.


21 thoughts on “#70: Evil Terror in the Studio!

  1. Westport is the same as Norwalk? It sure wasn’t back in the 80’s, when I lived in CT. Westport was the snooty zipcode, while Norwalk had some scary neighborhoods.

    Also, how the heck did you graduate from Syracuse U without becoming a basketball nut?

  2. … I can’t seem to edit comment… but yeah, but the shows are apparently up in the itunes store, but my feed doesn’t find them… I’ve even unsubscribed and resubscribed and killed the feed and reloaded it… nothing seems to work 🙁

  3. Dan…how can you let Evo fire a broadside on a media genius like Scott Sigler and not give him equal time. Please get him on The Bitterest Pill. He’s as worked up as Zell Miller after that Chris Mattews interview! Let the duel begin!

  4. You’ve got to get Scott on to defend his honor… It’s only fair to have him speak his piece after being accused of being a being too good of a saleman. Let’s us hear what he has to say! I’m sure it will be enlightening and/or funny…

  5. Great show guys! And Scott isn’t just any ol’ media whore. He’s an unabashed media whore. Like any whore worth their salt, he takes pride in his whoreishness. And that’s the way we like him. All whore-like. A short, bald, shrewd, whore.

    Man, is it me, or does “whore” not look like a word anymore?


    hmm… weird.

  6. Dan,

    I am appalled by the recent comments of your guest Evo. You let him on your show and defamed and slandered Scott Sigler. Insidious lies. Pernicious nonsense. Sigler is one of the nicest and most humble people on the face of this planet.

    Evo is a wackjob. I can’t believe you let him on the ‘Pill. On another show he was boasting about how he’s been releasing possum at the homes of podcasters he doesn’t like. Now you know where George came from!

    I think you need to give Sigler a chance to set the record straight. (Plus, with the billions of rabid fans he has you could get a good plug for the ‘Pill – quid pro quo.)


  7. ha ha ha ha, i haven’t listened to this episode yet but after reading these comments i can’t wait!

    btw i don’t seem to have a problem with the feed.

  8. “Scott’s been insulted, he should come onto the show to fight back”. Just found the site I will check out the show.

  9. I would strongly suggest that you give Sigler a chance to respond to Evo’s libelous comments.

  10. F*#$ A DUCK! That Evo’s out of control!

    You need to hear Sigler’s side of the story.

    Have him on… or you’ll be having an up-close and personal talk with me and Magnus Paglione.

  11. Wow! I just tried the banana trick–Evo’s right! It works WAY better to peel it from the bottom!

    I just went onto iTunes and wrote a review, Dan. Probably would not have if I hadn’t seen that screen shot.

    I love the show, but I have to agree that I was waiting for some qualification of the “Scott Sigler’s a whore” statement (“Just kidding!” or “…but he has done a lot for podcasting” or something like that) and it never came. It was, in fact, a little unsettling.

    Finally, the fine print on this new blog is impossible for me to read. I assume I’m supposed to put my Name (and something is in parens after the word Name), and some other stuff, but I simply can’t read it. It looks like the date stamps in the comments are in, like, 4-point type or something.

    (Using Firefox on Mac OSX 10.3.9.)

  12. Thanks for the heads up re: the font size. I’m looking at it in FireFox right now, and it’s TINY. Wow. Looks much different in Safari. Hmmm…how the hell do I fix THAT?

    Thanks for the review. Although, I haven’t read it yet…

    – dK

  13. Dan, what made you think that Evo in the studio was a good idea. Listen, you have no idea what this man is capable of.
    This could be so Snakes On a Plane if Scott Sigler comes and sets the record straight.

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