#75: Return of The Wife

Melissa and I celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary by…recording a show. We talk about living in the Matrix, the “brand experience” of 21st Century life, hot bean water, PLS & THKS, “mouse pride” and working upstairs at Crate & Barrel, being Catholic by proxie, being married to an eighty year-old man, getting fecal faced with co-workers, the 50 year-old alien women, Jennifer Grey’s nose…

This is how we recommit to each other.

19 thoughts on “#75: Return of The Wife

  1. What is insane to me is that when I hear the two of your voices, I can hear how both of your voices combine to create Hudson’s voice. His voice is equal parts Dan and Melissa.

    Good podcast, as always.


  2. Hey,
    Melissa sounds like the male counterpart to Dan. You guys should do the show together more. You may be on to something. Melissa sounds sexy never seen a picture, but the two of you make a good tandem.

  3. Yo Rob, check out http://danklass.com/pill/?p=290

    I’m not attracted to her personally, but I can tell that she is an nice looking woman.

    Dan and Melissa, Happy 13th Anniversary! I can tell you two are easily going to make it to 50 years and beyond. Great show too, btw. (That’s by the way, for Melissa)

  4. You obviously didn’t tell them at Crate and Barrel if the rug that you were looking for was an Every Day Rug, or a Fine rug… seems like simple logic.

  5. Melissa, you are a kindred spirit. And not just because I, too, grew up in the Poughkeepsie area with an IBM father, at about the same time as you did. But I am also incredibly annoyed by the way that professional men and women have lost the ability to type or spell correctly. I blame a lot of it on blackberries – there’s this general thought that typos can be forgiven if they’re from trying to work your grown-up fingers on those baby keys.

    My biggest pet peeve, though, is “u” instead of “you,” right in the middle of a long sentence with multi-syllable words. Like they are smart enough to spell “financial malfeasance” but can’t figure out that big ol’ three letter word “you?” Is it supposed to make them look hip? It makes me cringe. As you point out, too, it’s not the text-happy twenty-somethings, but the 40 & 50 year olds who do this. I just don’t get it.

    PS Fatman, seems to me that it’s not up to the customer to figure out which product line something is in. She saw the rug and liked it, and if the store isn’t able to sell to someone who’s already decided they want something, well, then, they deserve to have that sale walks right out the door.

  6. I am one of those Silicon Valley techie types (EVP of Engineering and Operations for an internet company for the last decade). My company makes very heavy use of Instance Messaging as well as email as we are a semi-virtual company (we have an office but people go in on average twice a week).

    What I find is that as we communicate to each other in AIM we use a lot of abbreviations: lol, k, cu, ttfn, etc

    But when we write emails we tend to use English. Since most email clients and even IM clients have speel checking in them, bad spelling (even for those of us who are bad spellers) is just unprofessional.

    Chris Christensen
    Amateur Traveler podcast

  7. Lisa makes a good point, but she blames the problem on blackberries. Don’t get me wrong, but how can fruit get the blame? I know that they make an awesome pie, but really!? I think what you meant to say was Blackberrys. 😉

    Dan, please do not make Melissa talk louder. Her voice came across perfect in the first part of the show, and it was sexier when she was speaking that way.

    Drew is right. Hudson’s voice has the high inflections of Melissa and the vocal mannerisms (if there is such a thing) of Dan.

    I have a pet peave – men that use public restrooms and leave without washinig their hands. I am no germiphobe, but come on people. Do we need to sit kids in front of the TV and make them watch 1950s hygiene programming?

    Go to http://www.coldstonecreamery.com and sign up for free birthday ice cream today!

  8. Lisa, My comment was intended to be a joke about the pathetic customer service that has become the standard in the United States. I’d have walked out too,, but I’m sure not nearly as politely as my sister. BTW, Where in the Poughkeepsie area did you grow up? Which IBM location did your father work ?

  9. Fatman, I lived in Wappingers Falls, LaGrangeville, and Pleasant Valley as a kid. My father worked in East Fishkill, Kingston, New Paltz, and Poughkeepsie. You know how IBM was said to mean “I’ve Been Moved” back then? For other families it meant going to live in faraway places like Houston or Atlanta, but for my father it was usually just a different building. (I used to know the numbers of those buildings, too. Ha!)

  10. Melissa and Dan:

    I can see the two of you having a morning radio show in Los Angeles…a sort of “Wake Up LA and taste the Bitterest Pill”

    To be honest, I’m kind of surprised Dan hasn’t gone to radio, since he (and the both of you) are very likable and funny. As the show plays, I find myself wanting to respond to every new subject–which is the sign of a good radio show. (which I sort of do below–sorry)

    I don’t understand the social drinking either. I have enough social regret after meeting people sober, booze only makes me feel worse about how I act in public.

    And, yes, people can’t be alone with their thoughts. Video, CDs, podcasts (yup), radio, TV in the supermarket are constant companions. One day someone should make another one of those Saw movies, but this time the man’s horrible task is just to sit alone in a room without any media to take his mind off his own thoughts. I think he’d rather cut off his own foot with a chainsaw.

    By the way, I write this from San Francisco and you should note how all the words are spelled out in this message.

    What about you moving the family to the Bay Area? The restaurants are good and the hills are beautiful.


  11. Lisa,

    As a 29 year IBM’er, I’ve been in Poughkeepsie, Kingston and Fishkill, was transferred to Raleigh, North Carolina, but never moved. I also happen to be Melissa’s “OLDER”, much older, Brother. I’d be interested in finding out if I worked with your father.

  12. Hey Fatman, I wonder if you worked with me? I worked in efk from 1984 to 1988. In btv now.

    Did you ever get into the Forums scene? I “met” a lot of people through them back in the days of VM.

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