SoHo Apple Store Meet & Greet

In case I don’t get a show out in the next day or so, I wanted to post info about my upcoming Apple Store Podcasting Workshop and Meet/Greet in New York City, Friday, August 11th, 6:30 – 8:30pm

6:30 – 7:30: I’ll babble endlessly about podcasting.

7:30 – 8:30: Meet friends and listeners, tell stories and try to act normal.

SoHo Apple Store
103 Prince Street
New York, NY 10012
(212) 226-3126

If you’re a listener of the show and will be in the area, come by, say hello, buy an iPod and a copy of Podcast Solutions. See you there.

8 thoughts on “SoHo Apple Store Meet & Greet

  1. For Corn’s sake, Mike, get on a dang Greyhound bus! That’s only about a 20 hour bus ride!

    Don’t they have Jet Blue where you live? Think of something!

  2. Dan, I hope you’re not considering ending your podcast of The Pill. Take a break, m’man — have fun doing whatever you want, and do it for you (and/or your family). Then, experiment, if that’s what floats your boat. Experiment with your creative side, as you do so well. Let that inner actor speak in whatever way it wishes. You don’t have to return to doing exactly what you did before…Perhaps The Bitterest Pill (or whatever you wish to dub it next) will become some form of conglomeration of video and performance art! Perhaps you will tour the Internet as the “real” Max Headroom. Perhaps you will stage virtual monologues using open source VoIP protocols and nothing else. Who knows?

    Have fun.

  3. The not so bitterest pill.
    The kind of yucky but not that bad when you get used to it…pill
    Gag Reflex (hmm..I might want to use that one)
    Jagged Little Pill
    Little Yellow Pill
    Stay-at-home dads little helper

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