The Not Quite Best of…

It’s late. I don’t really like this show, but I feel like a owe you…something. So, as the new show takes shape, I present to you:

The Not Quite Best of The Bitterest Pill

We revisit three segments from early Pill episodes that didn’t quite make the CD, The Bitterest Pill Volume One:

Mammory Glands

Mini Van Stick Figures Must Go!

The Day My Daughter Disappeared with my Soul

New Pills coming soon.

13 thoughts on “The Not Quite Best of…

  1. Thank you SOOOOO much! I was going into Bitterest Pill Withdrawal (BPW syndrome).

    The thing with the computer’s voice was absolutely the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. You two together would make a great show…..


  2. Not showing up in the feed – so not downloading in iTunes. Your feed still points to the old XML file, not the new wordpress one. So does your itunes link in the sidebar.

    I just grabbed the right feed from the link at the bottom of this site, and it’s working now. Anyone who didn’t get the new show – hit the feed way down at the bottom of this page, delete the word “feed:” at the beginning, and subscribe to that feed and the new show will show up!


  3. I have to admit something…I uploaded this show and then had second thoughts and thought I pulled it down and deleted this blog post. It was well after midnight and I was clearly blurry. Since it has been downloaded by a couple people, I will put it back in the feed and apologize for the content later. Just not sure it’s always wise to go backwards when I’m trying so hard to go forward.

    I love the computer too. She’s awesome and makes a great sidekick.

    – dK

  4. Thanks Dan. I’m another one of your faithful listeners, and have been waiting patiently for anything. The bit about your Tallu fright hits close to home, as I have a 17 month old daughter who gets into so much mischief.

    I hope you are able to take a little time to yourself and figure it all out. It’s so important to do that sometimes.

    Best of luck.


  5. Dan:

    The best words I can imagine:

    “New Pills coming soon”

    IMHO, all public speakers, all media personalities leave out personal information when they speak–even if they are being completely truthful to an audience.

    Think of Charles Bukowski or Spalding Gray–they were honest, transcendent, but didn’t give everything away. Perhaps you can talk about your daily experiences without angering the second cousins. We just want you back.


  6. “Just not sure it’s always wise to go backwards when I’m trying so hard to go forward.”

    You said it, Dan.
    We can wait, and if we can’t, then that is our problem, not yours.
    Take your time.

  7. “Suck it up and deal”… never have more hilarious words been computer voice generated. When I was in High School, one of our resident geeks used 1987 tech to create a speaking system. Our German teacher, who didn’t like our Headmaster at all, typed in a rude comment that came out as “Dr. Lynn is an a shole.” The system couldn’t do the compound word… look, to a bunch of high school senior boys, this was hysterical at the time.

    Hyper-heterosexuality, man… my wife has let that word loose with some of her friends, and has now heard it back from her friends that I’m hyper-heterosexual… Now, I’m wondering what social faux pas I’ve committed that her friends have noticed my hyper-ness.

    This is why I love the show… a discussion re mammaries, wacky neighbors, honest discussion about how much we love our kids as dads, and minivans with stick figures… Enjoy your time off… but get your butt to PPME, man.

  8. Hooray! The podcast didn’t show up in my iTunes and I just happened to check the site and here’s a new episode! Then I check iTunes and there it is. Strange. Haven’t listened past the computer voice yet, but looking forward to it. Even “not quite the best” Dan Klass is time well spent…

    To Brad P. from NJ – my husband is hyper-hetero. Chicks just know, dude…we just know.

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