18 thoughts on “#83: Driving Miss Danny

  1. You made Hudson cry? Bad Dan! Bad, bad Dan! Doesn’t it suck when we make our sweet loveable kids cry? I hate when that happens.

    WRT to bike riders, I mean cyclists, wearing the spandex getups, yeah they do that here too. I’ve seen guys come into the office in their outfits, after they’ve biked to work. I firmly believe they are of the “Look at me! I am a serious cyclist! I am so cool and fit, I can cycle 25 miles on the twisty, narrow roads of Vermont and not get flattened by a milk truck!”

  2. Dan!
    I was really happy when iTunes started downloading #83. I actually went “yea!” out loud.

    Listening to it right now…
    Your rebirth through video, that rocks!

    I was reborn the other day, in space: http://www.eleanorbrain.com
    via one of those old fashioned, audio-only podcasts

    You inspire me, I am sure you inspire many people. By that I mean, I stole your talking computer bit. =p

    This is an ad, by the way. I’ve become addicted to trying to drive traffic to my site. That, and your shoes Dan… I mean, show.

    No I never wish I was normal…. no slacks… no polo shirts … no trousers!

    […still listening]
    shiny bullet people
    I too am in a really bike-firendly town (well I was, before the whole outer space thing) and there are all kinds of these costumed futuristic-looking bike riders you talk about flying around there. It’s not just you… this time. Have fun at the expo!

    take care,


  3. Yo Dan!

    Can’t wait to see the video pilot at the Expo. Very cool!

    Hey, re: the pen – – you could have tested your acting skills by going to the clipboard with your pen and “try” writing with it and claim that it is out of ink and then take the pen and act like you’re a hero for saving everbody from using the inkless pen. Aren’t I a maniacal genius?

    I think my glasses are like yours. We can take pics together at the Expo with our cool artist/bohemian lenses.

    Leave the jacket behind brotha. Unleash the guns. Throw on the “wife beater”.

    The Hollywood Podcast

  4. Glasses…tell me about it.
    Got a new pair this year. B***er!
    Clothing…same dilema…whatever…as long as there is some clothing involved.
    I am 6′ plus when unhunched, which doesn’t happen often, and only in the am.
    Normal is ‘lack of self esteem’, so I guess we are ‘normal’.
    Really looking forward to the Expo.
    Should be there Thursday 10:30pm.
    Excited about the video venture. Wishing you all the best with that.
    Would love to do some video stuff myself…we’ll see.
    Pens? Dude, we have pens, if you bump into us, you will be offered one, no worries.
    The problem is always finding one that *works*!
    Take care, and all the best with the Expo.
    – Paul & Judy

  5. Hey Dan,

    Cyclists don’t wear lycra for other people (e.g. “Hey you…). Cyclists wear lycra for themselves! It’s sleeker and removes sweat better than just about anything else. The only “Hey you…” reason that cyclists wear lycra is that it’s almost like a uniform for them.

  6. Oh boy, the cyclists.

    Yes, Dan, unfortunately North Texas has just about as many “cyclists” as we do moms who drive minivans with school spirit stickers bearing the names, jersey numbers and sports of choice of their adorable over-achieving children.

    This being the place where Lance Armstrong was born and raised (Plano, TX — not far from where I live), we’ve got a lo-ot of clubs full of men and women who spend astonishing amounts of money, not so they can train to achieve their dreams, but so they can be as aerodynamic as possible while dodging the 18-wheelers around the Dallas suburbs. The really sad part is, this might be the most pedestrian-and-bicycle-UNfriendly part of the country. So, in a way, I sometimes root for them. Except when they all stop and get off their bikes together to have breakfast on Saturdays and make the line really long at Einstein Bros. Then they suck.

  7. OMG, you will not believe this.. I was actually riding my bike (cycling, that is) while listening to this podcast in my spandex (just plain blue, no numbers or countries or ads) during lunch, while my BMW was parked at work. I started laughing so hard I almost fell off!!! Yes, we have the cyclists here in MA and NH especially in and around the bike trails converted by the Rails to Trails Conservancy.

    In terms of the pen, practice this: pick it up, look at it, and say “Gee, looks like I left my pen here this morning”.

    Good to hear you again and good luck with the clothes.

  8. Being a lycra wearing cyclist, I think I can answer your question. When riding a “road” cycle, Its not uncommon to hit speeds of 35-40mph. You don’t want anything flapping in the wind when the width of your tires may be less that an inch. Secondly, take a real close look at a road bike seat… not much to offer in the way of comfort. The shorts will have either a gel pad, leather pad or some other sort of buffer between you and that seat. You don’t want your shorts shiftng around when riding distances of 25 miles or more.The jerseys have a pocket sewn in the back to carry energy bars, maps or anything else that you need to bring along. I will admit, I’ve seen sights on the road that are almost as attractive as the large ladies in spandex pants that then wear the sweater that comes down to their knees. Not all fashions are made for everyone…. its not always a good look.

  9. Fun experiment: Ride a bike 40 miles in baggy shorts that bunch up around the crotch. Then, later, measure the size of the saddle sores on your ass. Good times.

  10. Finally…someone who shares my irritation

    I have two things to say.

    One. If it’s all about safety and comfort why do the outfits have to have all those colours and advertising?

    Two. It is impossible to command respect while wearing lycra cycling clothes unless you are actually on the frigging bike ok. When you leave your bike you should IMMEDIATELY change. If you ride to work and feel the need to show off the fact that you rode to work by staying in your cycling clothes for the first hour or so YOU ARE NOT IMPRESSING ME. You smell of sweat, you look ridiculous and, if you are male, you are unnecessarily showing the size of your sexual organ. When you do this and you happen to be my boss you have lost my respect forever because all I picture in my head whenever you speak to me (even when wearing adult clothing instead of the lycra) is your body squished into the lycra and all the office staff giggling about how small your penis is.

    Thanks for the opportunity to get that off my chest Dan.

  11. Yes, even here in Louisville, Kentucky, we are plagued by the spandex cyclists. In fact, they travel in packs on the little winding country road I drive to get to work. I come around a 90 degree turn and am confronted with the friggin’ Tour de France (I don’t know the names of any other bike races). 20 or so bicycles clogging the street and this is not a wide street, sometimes I get nervous when another car is coming because there is barely room for both of us on the road. People also like to jog on this road. I don’t understand why people want so much to get nearly hit by cars while they get their daily exercise. Perhaps it gets their heart rate up and they don’t have to stay out as long. (Two rants in a row. Bernadette inspired me, I guess!)

    Anyway, you could wear the cordoroy jacket again this year and next year and it’ll just be that Dan Klass jacket. Tom Wolfe wears that same suit all the time. It could be your trademark. Just a thought.

  12. I totally and completely agree regarding the lyrca-clad cyclists. Why? If is is indeed for comfort and safety, then why not plain ones? They are just showing off, come on, admit it.

    Love the show.

  13. It’s a great thing. Over here in Vancouver, we don’t have as many men in spandex. Maybe around Rocky Point Park, the inlet and the bikes trails around it, but really, nowhere else.

    Join the club. Alotta men use jackets as a security blanket. Well, at least I do. ANd M7y friends. A couple of em. ya. um. DON’T CORRECT ME!

    Keep it up.

    – Dion
    The Silent Podcast That you listen to at nigh

  14. New glasses rock… now, you’ll be totally prepped for your next New York show.

    Cycling… or riding my bike… I wear all that spandex stuff, but as I know you could attest, it’s not to let you know how sleek I am. The only jersey I have that has anything on it, has a burger on the front, and a shake and fries on the back. I’m not one of those uber-fit guys. I enjoy a ride, but am desperately attempting to avoid the saddle sores, blisters and biking in my own pool of sweat…

    Lovin’ da show.

  15. Pingback: Maxoderm Review
  16. Let me tell you for an old retired woman, it keeps my heart pumping when I see a nice looking man on a bike in the spandex outfits. Didn’t have those things when I was young 70+ years ago. I’m just thankful I haven’t lost my sight before they came out with those outfits. I’m just kidding you guys, I think it makes the guys look like skinny aliens especially with those crazy hats. In my days real men didn’t wear those crazy hats. I think those hats are what is wrong with the men today, its heating their brains.

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