12 thoughts on “#91: Impractical Jokes and Hooters

  1. Thinking about the stuff you said about the lack of solar panels you have in SoCal, it also occurred to me – why don’t they also dry their laundry on a line rather than burn electricity using a tumble dryer. I have friends in the San FernandoValley and they all use driers too when the weather is so warm that lundry on a washing line would dry in a couple of hours or less with all that sunshine and warmth.

    Love your show here in the UK- south of London although i used to visit near Gerrards Cross for a while.

  2. The Sisyphus of Laundry…tell me about it, Dan.

    Practical ‘Jokes’…I don’t get them eiither. Wiki says the butt of the ‘joke’ is “made to feel foolish or victimized” and that “there is an inherent strain of cruelty in most practical jokes”.

    You should have titled this “The Hooters Drinking Game Show”, perhaps?
    I lost count of the number of times you uttered that word.

    A philosphical Pill, of sorts.
    Fitting in…it is realising that we are who we are that brings comfort and maturity.
    And I am still learning that.

    As Marv K (Mr. Nice Guy Show) likes to sign off emails with:
    The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.- Joe Ancis

  3. Just to let you know, Dan, that not every woman has a high-maintenance laundry habit. I respect Paul’s never ending struggle to keep the laundry under control, so all my clothes are of the tumble-dry variety. (They have to be. They end up there anyway.)

    I love what you said about not changing who you are to fit in. It’s an important concept to instill in your kids. I didn’t fit in until I found a group of people who like to sit around in their PJ’s and give dangerously high doses of mind-altering drugs to other people and stick needles in their spines (anesthesiologists).

  4. “…polishing their helmets…”

    I nearly spewed my lunch all over my work and G5 when I heard that comment. Luckily, I was able to turn and just let it driblle out a bit, in an area I could clean up later, or have the Little Sisters do it for me on thier knees.

  5. Hello Dan!

    I am the guy the posted that I didnt like political discussions on the show, because you seemed very american.

    I dont hate americans per se, I just do it because its a normal thing between semi heavily ideologically left wing educated mexicans. Hating americans is an important part of our identity, nevertheless I am posting in your blog using an american computer, wearing my american shoes and digesting the sandwich i just bought at subway.

    I hope this post makes some sense, Im tired.

    The angry mexican

  6. Actually Dan, you sound Canadian to me. Don’t ask me why… you just sound like one of us.

    Anyway, great show! I was thinking back to my youth and all of the hazing – type crap that I had no desire to be a part of. Hmmm.. let’s see. Join the hockey team and get Antiphlogistine Rub A535 rapplied to my nuts or become a figure skater and man-handle girls for hours.

    No contest.

  7. I’m proud to say that I’m a finish listener…I always make it to the end of the show.

    Great to hear Howard Jones again…I remember seeing him live in NYC back in the early ’80s.

    As for not changing who you are to fit in, listen to “Put Your Records On” by Corinne Bailey Rae (and her podcast in which she gives a history of the song).

  8. Hooters actually has decent wings. And a good chicken sandwich. My husband and I used to like to go there. *shrug*

    I am not a fan of pranking, either. Humiliation doesn’t turn me on at all (in a comedic way, I mean). I never understood the appeal of Candid Camera or Punk’d.

    And if you figure out how to get your kids to wear pajamas more than once, please share it on your podcast. My eight year old is giving me fits about it. Ridiculous boy.

  9. Dan:

    Yes, they still have Hooters girls at Hooters. What’s the hangup with going to the place? So, they have women in tight outfits, big deal. You’re supposed to stare at them, that’s what they’re there for. Just keep your hands away, and you’re fine.

    I recently was in Vegas and went to the Hooters Hotel and Casino. Actually, it fits right in on The Strip. It might be even a little more conservative than some of the other places, regarding how the servers are dressed and the decor. They took over an old hotel, the San Remo.

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