15 thoughts on “#94: U-Turn in Point-One Miles

  1. Dan… Dan… Dan… (can I call you Dan?)
    Long time listener, first time caller… As a “stay at home” dad (my office is in my home) your ‘casts always strike a cord with me, but I am upset from time to time by the world you live in. It’s true that our parents never had to lock the door when they went out and now we double and tripple check and still torture ourselves with uncertainty as we drive away from the house. The functionality of the DVD player aside, believing that you can’t leave it unattended and unobserved in a public place for 30 seconds while you fetch your meal shows a serious lack of faith in human morality. Do you want to live that way? Do you believe you are forced to?
    Am I wrong, or just Canadian? Is it a lack of experience in being screwed over (other than at the drive thru – they do that everywhere) or a need to believe that the world has not gone down hill that much. Is it lack of good parenting that leaves us wanting to massively reward those individuals who do the right thing (like returning your ipod)?
    I was in a similar Snake Pliskin neighbourhood on a trip through Detroit and could not find the interstate. The van was filled with ladies and the older gentleman driving decided to stop and ask directions from a bunch of young men hanging out on their front steps. The ladies were horrified that we would stop the car, let alone get out and ask directions, but their fears were immediately dispensed when we returned with directions and an invitation to attend a family BBQ that was about to commence.
    Not to get religous, but Man says, “show me and I’ll believe”. God says “believe and I’ll show you”. I wish to believe first and be shown to good nature of man.

  2. Ah yes, fights while driving lost. I’ve so been there. I think our most memorable one was in the Adirondacks, after getting off the Northway and searching for a gas station. The dashboard is saying we have about 10 miles before we are stranded in East Nowhere, where cellphone reception is a dream. So not only were we lost, but there was the added stress of a very possible empty gas tank. With an 8 year old and an infant in the back seat. You get the picture.

    It’s nice to know that we are not alone; Other happy couples can sink into that terrible place.

  3. Dan, You and the family are always welcome at our home. We had a great time and enjoyed the kids. I gotta say, listening to this podcast had me in tears. I can just imagine the fun you two had on the highway. All I could think of was the episode of MASH when the showed Frank’s wedding video and his wife not letting him drive away from the church. I can still picture my father laughing when we watched that episode.

    Well, in any case you upheld the manly motto, “what me stop and ask directions”

    Love to all,

    Keep up the good work.

  4. MY nav system is the good ‘ole, trusty Rand McNally’s Road Atlas 2007 in my driver’s side door pocket. Pretty dern reliable. I never could get used to any of those GPS doohickeys with 3 inch screens. ESPECIALLY the ones the TALK to you!

    In your face, Garmin.

    Long live the Bitterest Pill.


  5. Dan to help with the comment spam there is a plug-in for wordpress called akismet. It catches around 99.9 percent of spam and holds it in moderation. I’ve been using it for well over a year now and it works great. Just thought i’d give it a mention to help fight the good fight!

    Love the show!

  6. Dr. Hutchinson checking in to clarify the procedure/operation thing. A procedure is anything that a doctor DOES to you, but may or may not involve cutting and sewing. A colonoscopy, for example, is a procedure. So is a blood draw, or a bladder catheterization, or a bowel resection. But the bowel resection is an operation, because there was cutting and sewing. That’s my take on it, anyway.

    Operation is a subset of procedure. I’d draw you a Venn diagram, but I’m kinda limited to text here.

  7. What is it with you guys and the “keeping the original packaging” obsession? We have packaging that has out lasted the product that came in it. You should see our attic. Or maybe you shouldn’t. Is that a stay-at-home-Dad thing or a guy thing?

    Just curious.

  8. Hey Dan, Happy new year! by any chance did the dvd player you bought was a cyberhome? I bought one and It was nothing than a piece of garbage. you have to charge it for like 8 hours to see a 2 hour movie.

    It really sucks.

  9. So great seeing you. It gave me some pride for us Klass’. We are an odd lot, but strangley similar. Its nice to know, that as I live in my little island, safely avoiding uncomfortible social interaction, or even eye contact, both you and cousin Ronny (my brother people) are doing the exact same thing.

  10. As you were describing where you were lost…don’t want to live there, buildings crumbling I thought “I bet they were in Paterson.” I nearly stabbed myself with my knitting needles when you said “we realize we’re in Paterson, New Jersey.” Unfortunately, my husband has never been there so there was no one nearby to appreciate my moment. šŸ™ The funniest part is that I am from Kentucky – lived here my whole life – and I know how scary Paterson, NJ is.
    I’m certain that, overall, Paterson is a lovely town. I even think my friend got married in Paterson. It certainly wasn’t in Ridgefield, Park Ridge, Ridgewood, or Ridgeridge. Every other town in New Jersey seems to have Ridge or Field in the name. Except for lovely Paterson.

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