#103: Seven Foot Tall Cardboard Cut-Out

This time I talk about whether or not your husband knows the councilman, and taking Hudson to the bank to look for terrorists. Well, something like that…

I guess I didn’t impress the judges at the TalentQuest. Can’t wait to see who made their Top 9.

16 thoughts on “#103: Seven Foot Tall Cardboard Cut-Out

  1. Hey Dan, great show. I especially like the story at the end. It had suspense, protective loving care for your young child, possible terrorism, and a balanced analysis of a bunch of clueless Americans.

    I don’t think you were paranoid.


  2. Hey Dan,

    So what happened? did aggro come back for his duffle bag or what?
    Next time you need a cardboard cutout of a basketball player, just ask a grip to give you some foam core and have an office PA photo copy a picture of the basketball player, slap it on the foam core and your done! totally free! Hang in there.

  3. Hey Dan,

    When was the last time that domestic or international terrorism was carried out by somebody acting crazy? Usually they don’t want to draw attention to themselves (hence the shopping bags you spoke of).

    I’m just saying that the real terrorist is probably the quiet, well-dressed guy who just parked a hired van out the front of the school. Not that that’s any more reassuring.

  4. I liked this show. I enjoy the shows where you talk about all the crazy little things that one can realte to!

  5. Aren’t PTAs self-serving little groups of neo-fascists?

    “Now,”, tapping the pen against her teeth, “who can we get to give out the raffle prizes? Obama? I think my husband’s cousin knows his chief advisor, and I’m sure he’s not too busy right now.”

  6. Unfortunately we don’t get to talk much Dan but I wanted let you know that the Pill is still a staple in the Anderson household.

    BTW: Since college and now into my adulthood I’ve done all of my creative writing using the marble composition books you mention in this episode. In my opinion these things are absolutely underrated as a writing tool. They are just the right size and are still more direct (and less ubiquitous) than a laptop. Plus they are an incredible bargain! They cost like 89 cents at Ralph’s and can last for 3 months or more at a rate of 5 pages a day.

  7. Dan, great show, I enjoyed it… Speak to my wife about Friends of the School / PTA’s – they can be very cliquey (sp?) with people full of their own self-importance…

    I don’t think I would have worried unduly about the bag – as someone else said, it’s the quiet ones you’ve got to look out for!

    Tim (Bath, UK)

    PS. You don’t look a bit like your cartoon avatar! You look almost normal 🙂

  8. Hey Dan, i’m one of the twelve communting listeners in scandinavia. Living in Oslo, (capital of Norway:)

    I don’t think you are paranoid either, I had a similar experience on a bus a couple of months ago. Unattended bag -> bomb…
    But like you, i didn’t escape immediately. If we were really paranoid we’d escape as fast as possible, not held by the thought of what people would think. What’s worse?

    Adicted to your show Dan, I’m 42, married, 2 kids 9 and 4, I really relate to very much that you talk about even if I live far away.

    Regs, Dan

  9. Hey Dan, i’m curious about something. How many “listeners” do you have? I put that in quotes because i’m sure you only know how many downloads; not who listens to it.

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