#107: I am (completely pointless), Therefore I Eat


A completely pointless half hour.

I ramble and eat this time, getting ready for our trip “East.”

I do talk a bit about “mongers” and “hummers,” though. Sounds more dirty than it is.

11 thoughts on “#107: I am (completely pointless), Therefore I Eat

  1. Okay, Dan, here’s my diet plan. I lost 30 pounds doing this. With no extra exercise. (And the only exercise I really get is exercising the woman’s perogative to change her mind)

    Here’s what you do:
    No soda ever. No fast food ever. That stuff will kill you.
    Purchase a bunch of fruit, 100-calorie packs of snacks, light yogurts, and that sort of thing.
    Every day, set out about 700 calories worth of food. That’s YOUR food. If any child so much as looks at it, threaten to smack them into next week. That’s what you get during the day. Eat it whenever you want, but when it’s gone, it’s gone.
    Use a small plate at dinner and eat half of what you normally would.

    You’ll cut your caloric intake considerably and break the fast food habit.

    If you have an off day, it’s ok. If you go out to dinner, that’s ok, too. Just get back on the program the next day.

    The key is really never setting foot in a McDonald’s again. We haven’t eaten that garbage in over a year, and now even the kids agree that it’s gross.

    DON’T try any stupid cleansing diets. You’ll screw up your electrolytes and end up binging to make up for whatever dietary deficiencies you create. Seriously. I’m a doctor – you can trust me on this one.

    Judith Hutchinson, M.D. (Paul’s wife)

  2. Dan,

    If the straightening up and doing piles & piles of pink laundry are not burning enough calories…maybe you *are* taking too many in, Dan.
    I’ll defer to the missus on the dietary advice.

    It might be worth posting *some* of the shows you record, but currently reject?
    Richard Vobes (Vobes.com) does a daily 3o minute show (doesn’t like to call himself a podcaster), has well over 1,000 under his belt so far. Never dull, amazing track record. I don’t believe anyone else can match that.

    It was the TSA you were thinking of.

    The *real* threat to marriage was legalising adultery and making divorce ‘easy’. That’s not going to be undone though.

    I hear you when you say you feel like you have to ask permission to go places. I guess it is part of being the stay-at-home person? Whether we have to or not, it does *feel* like we have to.

    Like most fantasies, owning a Humvee can stay just that…a fantasy. Mine is for a low-riding one, Union Jack paint job, and the horn plays ‘Rule, Britannia!’ I don’t want to actually own one though.
    I’m with you on the Hummer stretch limmo comments, btw.

    Have a great trip. Enjoy your family and friends.

  3. There used to be a Little Italy in Los Angeles. It was where Chinatown is now. Chinatown was rebuilt in it’s current location in the 1930’s after the original Chinatown was razed to allow for the construction of Union Station.

    A remaining relic of Little Italy is Little Joes restaurant (now closed) that sits in Chinatown.

  4. Dan:

    I really dont see why rich people like hummers so much. Theyre big, ugly and impractical. If I had one I would lose my hair trying to find somewhere to park. Hope you have a great vacation. Try not to take too long with the next pill.

    See you dan.

  5. Hey, Dan, he stole my tidbit about Little Italy.

    Don’t do the Master Cleanser. It sucks and it will make you CRAZY. I tried it.

    Atkins! Atkins! Atkins!

    It’s the only diet I’ve ever lost weight on. So color me a True Believer. It’ll help you manage your blood sugar also. Okay, so you’ll be chewing Beef Jerky all day and snacking on huge bowls of tuna salad. Big Deal. But you won’t be hungry or cranky.

  6. I’m at the same place as you, trying to lose weight without doing that exercise thing!:) My solution is “The Special K Diet”. Two bowls during the day and a normal meal at night, it’s pretty easy to stick to as well. Still loving the show, long time but silent listener, Dave.

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