#117: Metamorphosis

radio radioWe are having one of those sit down “talks” we all end up in every so often. It’s time to reevaluate how things are going, and grow the hell up. My wife and I went over our family expenses and came to a realization: we can’t afford our life.

We talk about the high cost of hating television, five dollar shoes, my annoying neighbors, and…the metamorphosis.

16 thoughts on “#117: Metamorphosis

  1. Dude, I don’t know how you will do it, but you have to keep doing something that at least resembles what you are currently doing. If you go onto radio I’ll support you, if I have to pay to get more shows I will, if I have to start a “Save Dan foundation” to profit your show I will, but you have to keep on putting something out there keeping you, me, and the other 16 listeners sane. Save the show. Who’s with me?

  2. Dan, Dan, Dan. Whatever you have to do with the show, in order to assist you with affording your life, I’m there for you. Really. I’ve been a Bitterest Pill listener, fanboy, aficionado, and devotee since the very early days of podcasting. You have provided so much enjoyment and enlightenment during that time. My 17 year-old daughter and I regularly quote you and Hudson on a weekly basis. My car is named after your son. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not a weirdo stalker kind of guy. I’m just someone who greatly appreciates (and identifies with) your little talks with us. I would be glad to pay a premium in order to continue accessing your cranial eructation. Oh, BTW, it’s funny you mentioned David Cross, because before I ever saw a picture of you, I pictured him whenever I listened to the Bitterest Pill. He was the closest thing I had seen to your little bald guy icon.

    We all love you Dan – all 12 of us. Let us know what we can do to help you afford your life.

  3. Dan,

    Let us know what you decide, as if you wouldn’t, I think most of the 12-16 listeners will follow…. Thanks for the years of podcasts. Looking forward to many more.

    BTW couldn’t live without the podcast…


  4. So how come you don’t have a reality show like everyone else. Cameras following you and the Princess T to Costcocould follow you around like “Jessica & Nick”, or “Jon & Kate Make 8”, or even the “Girls Nextdoor”.

    I’ve been listening to you for a couple of years….and I’d really miss you.

    I’m all for the “Save Dan Foundation”…I’m with you.

  5. I like commercials they pay for things.

    I’m confidant that I and the other 12 after joining the ‘Save Dan Foundation’ will find the answers to a profitable pill.

  6. Dan, I’ve been a fan of the show since the beginning and “our conversations” just have to keep going! I’ll support ANY change to the show as long as you keep doing it. I would be proud to be part of the “Premium Pill” club … subscriptions, ads, whatever!
    Please keep us up to date on these changes so we can take action and thanks for all your work.

  7. I’ve been listening to you for ages after my friend Kristin from “Manic Mommies” turned me on to you. I have to say that noe of your shows have ever disappointed. They are always entertaining or thought provoking (yes Dan, you *do* have the occasional thought provoking show).

    In my playlist, I have such main stream podcasts as “This American Life” and “NPR: This I Believe” I often times wonder if you couldn’t submit some of your stories to various shows like that. You could keep your style and jump into the radio medium!

    Regardless, if you start a “Premium Pill” Club – I will certainly continue listening and join up. As it is, I patiently wait by iTunes hitting the refresh button every few hours in hope that a new “Pill” is ready for my listening enjoyment. If I can help by buying subscribing to “Premium Pill” – perhaps I can better feed my “Pill” addiction rather than giving in to widthdrawal…

  8. Dan –

    Yeah – premium. great, whateves. One last thing – footbinding was achinese thing, not japanese.

  9. I’ve been listening to you since the very beginning; in fact, yours was probably the first podcast I’d listened to (or darn close to it). I’ve enjoyed every show, and completely understand the need to start monetizing some how. I just want you to know how much we listeners appreciate what you’re doing, even when it’s just rambling about private schools and crazy drivers. I’ll do whatever I can to help out, just let us know.

    – Justin (Listener 28)

  10. BTW, after years of visiting this site, just now noticed the blue “Donate 2 the cause” banner on the upper-right side of the main page.

    So how about it, folks? Let’s put our money where our mouths are… and make a donation to DK via PayPal. Until there is another monetization plan in place, this is our only hope, Obi Wan.

    Phil N. Thropic

  11. I am a cheap man but I understand you have to make some dough out of the show. Its your time and your life experience you provide pro bono to docens of citizens of the world.

    I dont know if ill be able to keep in touch with the show if you make it premium. As a man that doesnt believe in credit cards or internet based payment methods i constantly have problems making international payments, and it usually the solution turns to be to not purchase the products or get the service.

    But Ill make an efford Danny. If I find a way to be a premium listener ill be one proudly.

  12. Cannot go to the supermarket without listening to you. Stupid habit now after two years. Every Saturday or Sunday, there I am working my way up and down the aisles (cursing the supermarket manager under my breath) and laughing (and crying) along with you.

    We feel your pain.

    Your $30K private school is our $100K in college tuition for two kids…..

    Been there, DOING that.

    Nice to know we’re not alone out there.

    Keep it up. You’re right. Don’t need the latte.


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