#178: First Love Lives

This one is a rather frank update on my recent downer mood, and a rather surprising story regarding Facebook.

I’m trying to kick my Diet Coke habit, so I don’t really feel like writing more than that…

This edition is currently only available to Premium Pill subscribers

6 thoughts on “#178: First Love Lives

  1. Wow, Dan. Another engaging and emotionally-roller-coastery show. And if it makes you feel any better, I have also been battling depression/self-doubt recently. It’s not a pretty thing, is it? And it doesn’t help when you don’t have someone with whom you can talk about it.

    I’ve also been re-connecting recently with old high school and college friends on FB, and I have tried in vain to find my first real love (who was also a blonde, BTW.) So far, she is MIA, which has me bummed. But then, like you, I wonder if it isn’t better to just not find her, and instead, live with the idyllic memory of her. Besides, she’s probably gained 80 or 90 lbs. by now, and looks like her mother did 30 years ago.

    I am glad for you that “Heather” is still with us. And I’m glad for you that you’re working your way out of the “pit.”

    Take care of yourself, my good man. Cheerio!

  2. Dan,

    Pardon me while I speak as though you know me as well as I feel like I know you, however fallacious that assumption may be…

    Don’t let pressures to provide content for those paying for your shrink make it so you need an extra helping of therapy. But I do like the way this works and I like giving you something for the trouble of sitting in the drywall box each week or so. Don’t abandon the premium Pill without serious consideration.

    I too have been glum about goals/realities recently, and have produced little creative content in recent times. Good time I never launched that podcast, heh.

    Hang in there, and we’ll be here.

  3. I think you’re great Dan, a really good dad, tolerant husband and a really great storyteller. Living and working in the same environment as your wife and kids would drive anyone slightly insane at times, but just look at what you have achieved – the kids for a start! I always think back to “It’s A Wonderful Life” and think, what would the World be without me. I’d watch the movie more but it makes me cry like a baby, as I guess it just hits a nerve and a thought process about how the little things we do can make a difference, so I just think about the movie these days.

    Whatever you do Dan, we’ll be there for the ride.


  4. Dan –

    Welcome to the I Am In or Should Be In Therapy Club. We have been waiting for you – what took you so long? Seriously, I know how you feel. I hate feeling so low. I have been home for 9 years with my children – both who have special needs. (PRELUDE: I LOVE MY FAMILY VERY MUCH.) They are very high functioning but still need me. My husband has crazy hours. This makes it hard for me to go back to work outside the home. I am 40 years old and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I am tired of being the nanny, cook, chauffeur, wallet, and whatever else 24/7 even when we go on vacation. I have to gauge everyones mood and keep the peace. Never can my mood be put into play and my preferences come way down the list behind my husband, kids and perhaps even the dog. Move over on the therapist couch – I have much more to share. Want to split the therapy fee?

  5. (Still catching up on old podcasts that accumulated during my wedding/honeymoon)

    Wow, amazing show. I’m glad Heather is alive!

    You’re right, you *should* stop devaluing your show and you *do* go overboard with the self deprecation. What you do is amazing…. and please continue to charge us for it!

    (However, you’re also right about the swallowing sounds. I often need to turn the show to a low volume to minimize them.)

    – Carrie

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