#181: Shooting Hot Lava Death & the CableCARD

Well, something went horribly wrong with my car, while The Maverick and I were on our way to a professional event in Hollywood.  Great timing.  So, we’re supposed to be at Uwink in our shirts and slacks, and we’re actually at a gas station wondering if Studio VW is about to catch fire.  Not only were we overheating, but we were stuck in combo Brüno / Michael Jackson traffic.

People were gathering at Michael Jackson’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame to mourn his passing.  Problem was, many of them were at the WRONG star.  Turns out there is a star for the former KABC radio personality Michael Jackson, AND the former porcelain pop idol Michael Jackson. Nice going, kids, but you’re crying over a British talk-show host who is still very much alive.

Also, I got a new TiVo, which means I was able to trade my cable box in for a “CableCARD.”  Wow!  Now, if only the people at the cable company knew how to get the damned thing to work…

This episode is currently only available to Premium Pill subscribers.  Don’t worry, it’s not that great an episode anyway.

4 thoughts on “#181: Shooting Hot Lava Death & the CableCARD

  1. Don’t get the Premium anymore but don’t say the show isn’t good because those are always the ones that surprise you.

  2. Just cancelled my HD service – not enough on and terrible equipment issues. I’ll get my HD fix through renting blu rays. Going to try to do something more worthwhile of an evening.

    Ha, who am I kidding – I’ll give it 3 months before I sign up again!!

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