“Why is this endearing? It just is.”
“Actor and comedian Dan Klass whines hilariously about his day-to-day life as a stay-at-home-dad in Los Angeles. His wife works and he’s supposed to be an actor but spends all his time doing laundry instead of going to auditions.
Always funny, poignant and well observed, it’s an off-the-cuff improvisation about the joys of being a father and husband. And don’t just listen to one, take two and call us in the morning…it’s a show that grows on you, so ask for a repeat prescription.”
Podcast Pick


“One of the icons of podcasting…a master storyteller..sardonic and entertaining.”
– Tricks of the Podcasting Masters
If you haven’t listened to Dan Klass’ show, The Bitterest Pill, please do so right away for a large dose of laughs, fatherly insights, and easy to digest bile from one of the smartest minds in podcasting.”